BSSN 4070: Eye Tracking Methods and Dynamic Data Analysis

TA | Teacher College, Columbia University | 05.2021, 01.2022, 02.2023
I have previously served as a teaching assistant for Dr. Peter Gordon. I delivered a 90-minute lecture on designing and creating experiments using PsychoPy and presented some neurocognitive tasks built in PsychoPy in a class of about 10 master students. Slides are available here: [Slides]

CCPX 4070: Explorations in Madness: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

TA | Teacher College, Columbia University | 01.2022
I have previously served as one of teaching assistant for Dr. Paul Saks for a class of 50-60 people on schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. I helped develop teaching materials, and assessed assignments and exams.

CCPX 5032: Adult Personality and Psychopathology

TA | Teacher College, Columbia University | 09.2021
I have previously served as one of teaching assistant for Dr. Paul Saks for a class of 50-60 people on psychopathology. I helped develop teaching materials, and assessed assignments and exams.